All images © Felipe de Ávila Franco. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.
All images © Felipe de Ávila Franco. The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.
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Supported by:
Installation, 2010 Asphalt collected pieces Variable dimensions
Sculpture, 2010 Bricks, mirrors, iron tap, water, and electro-mechanics 60x50x40cm
Sculpture, 2010 Wood, aluminum, brass, galvanized and bricks 180x180x50cm
Sculpture, 2010 Chemically aged steel sheet 65x80cm
Installation, 2010 Bricks, crushed bricks, wood frame and glass 120x180cm
Installation, 2010 Asphalt collected pieces Variable dimensions
Sculpture, 2010 Bricks, mirrors, iron tap, water, and electro-mechanics 60x50x40cm
Sculpture, 2010 Wood, aluminum, brass, galvanized and bricks 180x180x50cm
Sculpture, 2010 Chemically aged steel sheet 65x80cm
Installation, 2010 Bricks, crushed bricks, wood frame and glass 120x180cm
Provoked Archaeologies #2
Installation, 2019
Excavated soil in the Amazonia rainforest, branches, and sisal rope
Variable Measures
Sculpture, 2017 Bricks, steel and electromechanics. 88x14x180cm
Wall Flow, 2017
If there is reason to believe material circumstances such as the ownership of the means of production, geography, or levels of technological development shape society, culture, and experience, then there is reason to believe that the continually increasing input of energy in the form of fossil fuels has had a similar, if not greater, impact on human history.
The use of fossil fuels has intoxicated human imagination and warped human knowledge, how they have accelerated time and constituted illusions of distance and separateness not just in popular or political culture but in philosophy as well. (Energy and Experience: An Essay in Nafthology, By Antti Salminen & Tere Vadén)
Wall Flow
Sculpture, 2017
Bricks, steel, and electromechanics.
88 x 14 x 180cm.
Sculpture, 2017 Bricks, steel and electromechanics. 88x14x180cm